Why our thoughts are so important

Why our thoughts are so important? How they influence our lives

Why our thoughts are so important? A lesson for a personal growth

The universe hears and fulfills our requests. It may sound strange and mystical, but if you think about it, you will find that almost every thought you have had at one time or another has become a reality. Whether it was bad, scary, wonderful, beautiful, at some point your thought has become reality.

It is very important what thoughts we feed our mind and subconscious. The thing is, the universe doesn’t know the difference between the words we say in our mind or out loud. The universe is actually fulfilling our feelings. And our feelings, on the other hand, are created by what we tell ourselves every day, and what we truly believe and want.

That is why first of all we have to change our way of thinking if we want something very strong.

If your thoughts are directed in a negative direction, they will give rise to negative feelings. If every day you think you have no money, no good job, feel powerless and depressed, then you will get more of that. The universe responds to your feelings.

Check out this scale of feelings

The lowest vibration is fear. Perhaps you are surprised? You thought the lowest vibration was guilt or anger?

Why our thoughts are so important? How they influence our lives

Fear plays a particularly important role in shaping us as a people. Of course, fear plays a significant role; if a person did not feel fear, he would jump off a bridge or would go fight with a lion.

All feelings are important to us as humans. But it is important to feel them at the right time. If we feel fear for no real reason, it will lead to unfavorable moments for us. If we are afraid of the future, for example, that our children will get sick, that something bad will happen, that we will be without a job, without money, without a house, and so on… We live in low vibrations, and as we said fear is the lowest vibration and the most powerful.

You need to get rid of that low vibration and replace it with positive thoughts, as difficult as it may seem. The universe responds to your feelings, remember that. Do not be afraid of the future, it can bring you many good surprises if you ask for it.

The highest vibration in the scale is that of love and gratitude.

Why our thoughts are so important? How they influence our lives

Why our thoughts are so important? How they influence our lives

Love can do wonders in your life. When you love someone, you send powerful signals to the universe and your subconscious mind, and whatever you feel, you know you will receive more of it. Whether you love your soulmate, your pet, or the flower you care for every day, it’s all love.

The Gratitude

Why our thoughts are so important? How they influence our lives

Gratitude is a very powerful vibration, did you know that? In many cultures, when people come together for dinner, they give thanks for the food that is on their table. Without even realizing it, they are sending a powerful feeling to the universe, and it in turn gives them more of it.

When you get up in the morning, give thanks. Give thanks for breathing, give thanks to the sun for its beautiful rays, which today will shine on your face. Give thanks for your food, give thanks for your health, give thanks for the opportunity to be on this beautiful earth one more day.

Do this exercise every day. Give thanks! You will notice how your life changes and gets better, filled with wonderful surprises served to you by the universe.

SEE ALSO: How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle|Color meanings

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