Here's how to tell if you're an old soul

Sings You’re An Old Soul

Here's how to tell if you're an old soul

Sings you’re an old soul

What is an old soul? This term is often used and sometimes abused. But there is a grain of truth in everything in this world. Here’s how to tell if you’re an old soul.

We can view the old soul as an entity that has repeatedly chosen to return to the present reality for a reason.

The reasons why this soul chooses to return to the present reality can be many. Such as:

  1. There are important tasks to complete.
  2. Got to get rid of something on Earth.
  3. There are important lessons to learn… etc.

No one knows how many realities of existence there may be.

What are the signs of being an old soul? If you recognize yourself in more than half of the signs, it means you are an old soul.


Sings you're an old soul

Have you ever felt as if you were living in a dream? The strange feeling that everything you hear and see is not real, yet you feel it real. It is as if you are in an illusion. This is an inherent trait of an old soul.

Through previous incarnations that you have experienced you are aware that this world is an illusion. Although you cannot transcend this reality, you are gradually building an awareness that there is something beyond it.

Each of us has a spiritual purpose. We are learning to vibrate at a higher level and reach a point where we can move on into another lifetime removing the material world.


Sings you're an old soul

Were you interested in spirituality and witchcraft in your childhood? Very often old souls are born with more knowledge and seek knowledge at a very young age.

Old souls carry the spiritual burden of their previous lives. The great interest in the spiritual at an early age is a way to decode the mystery of repeated rebirths.


Sings you're an old soul

Sings you’re an old soul

For example, you don’t feel connected to your place of birth. Home is where your heart is. You also feel that the Earth is your country, home and root. Dogmas and traditions do not attract you. Your thoughts are above these usual patterns and this is what makes you special.

Very often people seek you out for advice, and in most cases you help them find their way. But do you know why? Precisely because you have experienced similar problems in your previous lives.


Sings you're an old soul

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn – the old God of time. An ascendant or planet in this zodiac sign suggests an old soul. It is a sign that Saturn gives wisdom beyond time and space.


Here's how to tell if you're an old soul

Have you ever dreamt the same thing several times? A place or places you have never been. Was your dream as real as if it were happening in person?

Very often old souls have glimpses of their past lives in their present life. These glimpses or dreams occur to remind them what their purpose is in their present life.


Here's how to tell if you're an old soul

Old souls don’t pay attention to what the latest world trends are. What the old souls see in these trends are the same patterns, so they don’t pay attention to them.

Old souls do not judge others because they know that they have also made the same mistakes in their previous lives. You are just wiser now.

Sings you’re an old soul

SEE ALSO: Minerals and gemstones for each zodiac sign


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