separation anxiety in dogs

Separation anxiety in dogs

Separation anxiety in dogs is a serious problem for both humans and dogs. It is a more common problem, especially if you have recently adopted a puppy. Don’t worry about every problem there is a solution. Don’t give up, and keep reading.

How to find out if our dog suffers from separation anxiety ?

  • Usually, the most common symptoms are:
  • Your dog destroys your house when left alone
  • Your dog refuses to eat because of the stress he experiences when you leave the house
  • When you are at home it follows you everywhere and wants to have constant contact with you
  • Can’t sleep because he’s afraid you’ll leave out
separation anxiety in dogs

How to stop separation anxiety in dogs

Make a daily schedule and follow it

Separation anxiety in dogs

Make a daily schedule. For example, playtime, mealtime, rest time, playtime with his toys. That way he will get used to the schedule and when you go out, the dog will be mentally prepared that you will be gone at some time of the day, but he will know that when you return there will be time to play or just pay attention to him.

Tire out your dog mentally and physically

separation anxiety in dogs

Make sure you play with it enough. Go for long walks and let him run if possible. When you get home give him a chew toy and let him play alone and spend time by himself. Buy him a feeding toy to tire him out mentally too. This way after these activities he will be tired and will want to relax.

Train him to execute commands

separation anxiety in dogs

Work with him to perform simple commands. Sometimes this helps a lot with separation anxiety in dogs. Teach him to sit and lie down. Then give him a small reward.

If you adopt a puppy, make sure you have a schedule. For example, you need to teach him to spend time alone as well as sleep in his own bed. Teach him how to be independent.

If your dog is older there is also a way to teach him how to be self-sufficient and independent. For example, you can start with small steps. Start getting dressed and ready to go out, then without telling him anything, leave the house. If you can, put a camera on him and watch what he does. Come back after 5 minutes and don’t say anything to him. Do this several times a day increasing the interval of being outside.


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