Plants That Attract Good Energy To Your Home

Plants That Attract Good Energy To Your Home

One of the secrets to maintaining balance in a space, is to decorate it with the right plants. There are plants that attract good energy , also plants to attract propsperity and should be placed in the house, and others that are not even worth opening the door for.

Have you ever walked into a house and immediately felt a sense of tranquility and lightness? Can you imagine living in such a house? It can be easier than it seems!

Feng Shui” is a Chinese technique more than 4000 years old that teaches us to achieve harmony in the environment in which we live, believing that there is a relationship between our house and our life.

Here are the plants that will bring good energy, prosperity and spiritual protection…

Bamboo: The best indoor plant that bring good luck, peace and harmony

Plants That Attract Good Energy To Your Home

Some people call it “lucky bamboo” and the name is not just a coincidence. In Asian countries, bamboo has been a symbol of good luck and prosperity for centuries. It brings well-being and tranquility, but also vitality.

It always grows upwards, giving it flexibility, strength and resistance, characteristics that are transmitted to the home and help it adapt to changes.

Besides being very easy to care for, it is also a strong and flexible plant.


Plants That Attract Good Energy

The aloe vera is considered one of the most powerful plants to combat bad vibrations. It has a reputation for attracting prosperity and good energies in the places where it is placed. It is said that if it grows vigorously it is attracting good fortune, but if it withers it means it has absorbed bad vibes to protect us.


Plants That Attract Good Energy

Cactus repels bad energy that enters the home.

It is believed that the cactus can neutralize radiation from electronic devices, but their greatest virtue is to attract good energy. “It is also said that they can ward off negative feelings such as envy and even scare away people with bad intentions.CHRYSANTHEMUMS FOR A GOOD MOO

Chrysanthemums for a good mood

Plants That Attract Good Energy

Besides that is a beautiful plant, chrysanthemums have the ability to provide well-being in the home, bringing happiness and good humor. That is why it is advisable to place them in places where there is or may be some tension. Dinner with the mother-in-law?


Plants That Attract Good Energy

Plants That Attract Good Energy

Also known as the plant of the love, it is beneficial for romantic relationships. For this reason, place it in the bedroom, as it attracts positive energy to strengthen passion and sensuality. In addition, it is a good repellent for bad vibes and controversies, contributing to create a good atmosphere.


The medicinal properties of rosemary have been used since ancient times in many cultures. It purifies the air, brings inner peace, improves moods and lack of vitality.


The lavender has the ability to promote happiness and harmony, calm the mind and improve sleep.


Succulents are the most beautiful plants you will find in this article! In small pots, their plump leaves give them a delicate appearance as if they were designed and made to order.

For the Feng Shui technique, these plants function as guardians and purifiers of the environment, and are excellent for activating the area related to the career, because it is closely related to the water element, so present in succulents.


Plants That Attract Good Energy

Feng Shui values the multiple benefits of the plants, because they are an essential element to balance the chi of the house, improving our physical and emotional state.

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