Pasta carbonara home recipe

Pasta carbonara home recipe

Pasta carbonara home recipe

Something else for pasta lovers. We describe step by step the recipe for cooking pasta carbonara home recipe. You can use any type of pasta for this recipe, it is easy and very quick to prepare.

This recipe is for 3 or 4 people, and we detail it as we prepare it at home. The carbonara sauce that we prepare here is the most complete that we usually make, since we add onion, bacon, mushrooms and cream, which is a very tasty combination of flavors. If you prefer another carbonara sauce different from the one we describe, you can use one of the ones you will find on the web, or use one that you like. As for the chosen pasta, we use spaghetti, but you can use macaroni or any other type you like.

Ingredients of Pasta Carbonara:

  • 300 grams of pasta
  • 200 grams of pancetta or bacon
  • 150 grams of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 350 grams of onion
  • 150 grams of sliced fresh mushrooms
  • 300 ml of liquid cooking cream
  • Virgin olive oil
  • Salt

The preparation of this dish will not pose any difficulty, and we detail it step by step so that you can prepare it at home. Let’s start with the detailed recipe.

Preparation of Pasta Carbonara:

First of all we are going to wash the fresh fish well, to remove all the dirt they may have. If they are not sliced, cut them in not too thick slices. When finished, peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. And finally take the bacon or bacon you have and cut it into strips about a centimeter thick.

Put the pasta to cook, while we make the sauce on the other side, to have everything ready at about the same time and to be able to serve the dish hot. Put a pot with abundant water to boil. Add a handful of salt, and we also add a spoonful of butter or margarine, to give more flavor to the pasta. When it starts to boil, add the 300 grams of pasta and let it cook well.

Meanwhile, in a large frying pan, pour a little extra virgin olive oil and when it is hot, add the onion to brown it. Add a little salt on top to help it brown. After a few minutes, when it starts to brown, add the sliced mushrooms to cook at the same time. Once the onion is tender, add the bacon or bacon, and brown it well on both sides.

If the pasta is already cooked, drain it well and add it to the pan with the onion, mushrooms and bacon. Add the cooking cream, stir and let it simmer for a few minutes so that the sauce thickens a little. When serving the pasta on the plates, add the Parmesan cheese on top and enjoy one of the best ways to eat pasta. We hope you like this pasta carbonara recipe and that you keep it in your personal recipe book.

Pasta carbonara home recipe

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SEE ALSO: Sandwich with ham and cheese

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