Suitable minerals and gemstones for each zodiac sign

Minerals and gemstones for each zodiac sign

Minerals and gemstones for each zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign is distinguished by its characteristics. Also each zodiac sign has its own lucky stone that can influence its mood!

ARIES – Aries is a fire sign and diamonds and jasper are suitable for it. As talismans – diamonds, ruby, gold, topaz, onyx, turquoise, aquamarine.

Taurus – Taels like jewellery and so there is a wide variety of lucky stones for them. Diamond, emerald, sapphire, amber, rose quartz, jade, emerald, tourmaline. Rose quartz brings them good luck.

Geminis – The lucky stones for geminis are: sapphires. Their nature is harmonized with the exquisite tones of jewelry. Lucky stones for geminis are also agate, emerald, pearls, coral.

Cancer – Cancers are great romantics and the most suitable for them is silver. Lucky stones for crabs are agate, emerald, malachite.

Leo – Lions love to shine everywhere. The most suitable for them are forest crystals, amber, onyx, platinum, silver, copper, green tourmaline, turquoise.

Virgo – For Virgos, the lucky stone is chrysolite. It helps them for creative inspiration and is a symbol of fidelity and happiness. In love, emerald and yellow sapphire help them.

Libra – The lucky stone for Libra is the opal – the stone of hope. Charges them with optimism overcoming stress, improves vision and memory. It also works well for their optimism. Also suitable for them are alexandrite and pink tourmaline.

Scorpio – Topaz is the lucky stone for Scorpios. It is the guardian of love and protects against insomnia and throat damage. Tourmaline, amethyst, black pearl are also suitable for scorpions.

Sagittarius – The lucky stone for this zodiac sign is turquoise. It protects them from evil. Strengthens their immunity and psyche. Protects them from jealousy and throat diseases. Also suitable for them are pearl, sapphire, topaz, emerald.

Capricorn – A lucky stone for Capricorns is granite – a symbol of fidelity. It is said that if it changes color, it is a sign of a health problem. Granite strengthens the heart and heart rhythm. It protects the health condition completely. Suitable for the Capricorn are also turquoise and rubies.

Aquarius – The lucky stone for Aquarius is amethyst – light pink or purple. Stone of lovers, protects against headaches and is a symbol of modesty and purity. Also suitable for Aquarius are coral and tiger’s eye.

Pisces – The lucky stone for Pisces is aquamarine. It brings them happiness and harmony in marriage. It protects them from depression, respiratory problems and blockage of blood vessels. The color of this stone reminds of the color of the sea.

Minerals and gemstones for each zodiac sign

Minerals and gemstones for each zodiac sign

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