Medieval style in interior design

Medieval style in interior design

The medieval style in interior design was inspired by the middle period of European culture, which lasted from the 5th to the 15th century.

Medieval style in interior design
Medieval style in interior design

In the X-XII centuries, a new style emerged in European art, called Romanesque, which was mostly used in architecture.

The architecture at the beginning of this period is distinguished by the closed appearance of the buildings.

The windows were small in size as well as few in number because the structure of the facades was massive.

The fortress walls are finished at the corners with pyramidal or conical towers.

The radial-circular street network is also created.

After the 11th century there is a sharp change in the appearance of castles, residential buildings and church architecture.

The change is due to the replacement of the massive with the skeleton construction system.

The period is called Gothic. The Gothic style replaced the Romanesque style and the Romanesque style disappeared with the time.

The Gothic style is mainly used for architecture, but is also used for the style of dress, in art, ornaments, etc.

The usual details of this architectural style are the rose windows, pointed arches and stained glass windows.

For the followers of medieval decor, the Gothic style is a glimpse into the past, reminiscent of the great stone castles and wooden dining rooms of the era..

What were the characteristic features of interiors in the Middle Ages?

Limestone and granite were used for the walls. Oak or other dark-coloured woods were used.

Dark oak wood beam ceilings will be perfect for your medieval design.

Medieval style in interior design

Saturated colours such as green, red and gold are the perfect choice for this architectural style. If you want a little brighter colours try deep pinks, blues, greens and rusts.

A fireplace or stove is a must because they are a great addition to this medieval style.

Medieval style in interior design

The flooring must be concrete or stone.

Furniture should be dark wood, for example oak.

For example, chandeliers can be made of iron. This will give a unique finishing touch to your gothic style.

Medieval style in interior design

See also: Modern style in interior design

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