How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

Have you ever felt like something is wrong with your mind, your home, and your body? It’s like you’re just not doing well and a black cloud is hanging over you and you’re constantly attracting more and more troubles?

In this article, we will help you by sharing ways to cleanse both your mind and body as well as your home.

What attracts negative energy

Negative energy is all around us. It is in people, objects, buildings, and so on… Generally speaking, if you already feel that you have negative energy within you, you are likely to attract more of it. That’s why it’s very important to cleanse yourself of it at least once a month.

You can receive negative energy from objects as well as people. It is very important not to keep items in your home like:
– Broken things

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

If you use broken utensils such as cups, plates, vases, and so on, you are very likely to attract bad energy. Germs collect through the cracks of the dishes, which can make you sick and you may have to give extra money for treatment. It’s even worse if you have broken mirrors in your house. The fact is that cracks in the mirror distort good energy into negative energy. Also through the cracks of the mirror, money, health and wealth flow out. Immediately throw everything broken out of your home.

– Objects that don’t belong to you

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

If you own other people’s things, it’s time to get rid of them. Any object that does not belong to you is bad for your home and therefore bad for you. The object is filled with the energy of its previous owner and can have a very negative impact on your own.
– Dead objects

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

Dried flowers, horns or animal heads on the walls, and fur on the ground all bring a lot of negative energy into your home. These things are dead and are the complete opposite of life. There are studies that prove that when you eat meat, you are absorbing the negative energy from the suffering animal.
– Garbage

– This includes old belongings, old and torn clothes, non-functioning gadgets, etc. They stop the flow of money as well as contain stagnant negative energy that prevents you from getting new and nice things.

Symptoms which alarms that you have negative energy in your body and how do you know if there is negative energy around you?


How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

Headaches let us know that we have too many thoughts that are chaotic. Instead of rushing to take a pill, think about how you can solve your problems one by one. Stay alone and try to meditate. When you have too much negative energy it inevitably affects your body.

Pain in the stomach

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

Stomach pain is an indicator that there is negative energy around us. Have you ever gone to a meeting or seen a person and immediately started to feel nauseous? This means that negative energy is flowing into your surroundings and you are absorbing it, which is not healthy for you.

Chronic fatigue

Many people suffer from chronic fatigue. It is a good indicator that you have absorbed a lot of negative energy and need to cleanse yourself. Break with incense, light candles and be sure to take a shower every day. Taking a shower not only cleanses your body, but also your soul and mind.

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

There are many ways to clear yourself of negative energy, here are some of them:

If you’ve met a certain person or had a nasty argument, go and wash your hands, and it’s best to take a shower to wash away the negative energy clinging to you.

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

If you hear someone insulting you and speaking bad words to you do not turn away. Just whisper to yourself “Take them back”.

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

If you feel a sharp drop in your energy, go out into nature and find a tree. Touch your left hand to it and feel its vibrations. The vibration of the trees is pure and strong, and its energy is very positive. Whisper to it, “Please take everything negative from me.”

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

Rings that break with negative energy. Believe it or not, there are objects that absorb negative energy and protect you from it. We found one such object -negative energy ring.

Hematite is a crystal that is used against arthritis, depression, and anxiety. The powers of this crystal allow body, mind, and spirit to unite their energies. It completely absorbs the negative energy that is around you and prevents it from reaching you.

Hematite is the most powerful gemstone that can be used for grounding. It can help clear confusion and orient you to practical action in the real world. It carries the energy of higher consciousness down through your chakras to your root and helps you transform that energy into physical reality.

You can view it when clicking on the photo or HERE

How To Remove Negative Energy Attached To You

And did you know that there are different frequencies that affect your energies and help you with different complaints?

We offer you a frequency that helps you get rid of the negative energy accumulated in you. Listen to it even when you sleep.

Zen life relax 432hz: the deepest healing – let go of all negative energy

See also: Bad habits that make you unhappy


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