how to clean your home of negative energy

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle|Color meanings

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle

There are many different ways to cleanse a home of negative energy. But this one is very effective and also very easy to implement. Cleansing with a candle is an easy task to do and a necessary one.

Now we will tell you about the influence of different candle colors. Each color has a different meaning and will solve different types of problems.

White candle

White is the color of peace of mind, tranquility, health, removal of bad thoughts and negative energies.

Yellow candle

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle

If you want to have a good memory, success in learning, and be persuasive then the yellow candle will help you with that.

Green candle

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle

If you have financial problems or if you are fighting with your family about money, it is good to light a green candle. The green candle will bring you luck, money, and prosperity.

Red candle

The red candle is a symbol of sexuality, passion, and physical health. If these things are missing in your life, it’s time to light the red candle.

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle

Pink candle

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle

Pinkness is a symbol of friendship, love, and fun. If you want to attract love, friends, and a good mood, then light the pink candle in your home.

Orange candle

The orange candle will help you with concentration and give you courage. Also will give you the wisdom and the strength to solve your problems.

Blue candle

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle

The blue candle will help you if you are suffering from insomnia, going through depression, or a difficult time in your life.

How to clean your home of negative energy with a candle

A purple candle is a great option if you’re feeling on the edge. It will give you the strength, motivation, and ambition to keep pursuing your dreams.

Gold candle

The golden candle will protect you from negative forces and thoughts. It will also help you develop your intuition.

If you want to help yourself or a loved one, then light different colored candles depending on the problem. Scientists have not yet proven how candles banish evil forces and our problems, but it is a fact.

SEE ALSO: How to purify the home from negative energy


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