How to boost your immune system the natural way?

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

To be effective you should alternate these few ways to naturally boost your immune system.

No matter how useful something is, it stops working if it is overused. Take care of your health beforehand. How to boost your immune system the natural way?

Here are these natural immunostimulants to build strong immunity:

Cold water

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

According to Russian scientists, cold water is one of the shortcuts to a strong immune system. Every night when you get home wash your feet with cold water. Dry your feet and wear socks. This simple procedure supplies your body with oxygen and also protects you from viruses and bacteria. This procedure also boosts your immunity powerfully. All the organs have projection on the feet and there are a large number of nerve endings on them connected to the whole body. It is recommended to do this procedure for four weeks.


How to boost your immune system the natural way?

It is the most delicious and natural immunostimulant. Honey is a natural remedy for strengthening the body and building strong immunity. Honey contains the entire Mendeleev table. Collected from flowers and herbs, honey has been a medicine since ancient times. Honey is a super food, a natural relaxant and has a calming effect. It also has antibacterial and antiviral action. Activates metabolism and improves intestinal flora.

Bee pollen

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

Pay special attention to this bee product. This product is not very popular as a natural immunostimulant. It optimizes the body’s protective functions and helps strengthen it. You can add it is a smoothie, yogurt or lukewarm water. It can also be combined with honey, the ratio is 1 to 1. Store it in a dark and cool place.

Yoga and movement

Movement has repeatedly been shown to strengthen your immune system. Yoga practices boost immunity many times over. Good circulation needs muscle activity. Breathing in yoga is very important, and proper breathing boosts the body’s defenses. Yoga can be practiced anywhere in the home or in nature.


How to boost your immune system the natural way?

Fear, anger and stress reduce the body’s protective functions. Calm, meditation and balance strengthen our immune system. If our thoughts and emotions are negative, then our body is susceptible to viruses and infections. Meditation calms our mind, harmonizes our emotions, lightens the mind, thoughts become optimistic and bright. This leads to a strengthening of immunity and the body’s natural defenses.


How to boost your immune system the natural way?

Ginger is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory ingredients in the world. It is rich in vitamin C and B vitamins. It also contains minerals, essential oils, and amino acids that make it a powerful tool for strong immunity.

Lemons, grapefruit, oranges

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

Most of us think that oranges have the most vitamin C. Rather, vitamin C is found more in lemons and grapefruits. When we take vitamin C it produces more white blood cells and antibodies increase. It also increases interferon levels. It significantly increases the body’s defense against viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. Take 1 squeezed lemon diluted with water and a teaspoon of honey every morning. This drink alkalizes the environment in the body. In the alkaline environment, bacteria and viruses die.


How to boost your immune system the natural way?

They call it the root of life. Since ancient times it has been considered the cure for all diseases. Ginseng tones and strengthens immunity, calms the mind, regenerates cells, tones the heart and circulatory system. It should not be taken for more than a month and should not be combined with caffeinated drinks and foods.

Garlic and onion

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

We need to pay special attention to onions and garlic. They have antibiotic and antibacterial properties. Your body will be grateful if you include them in your menu. It does not matter how you take them, raw or cooked.


Health comes from the gut. Let us look back to the time of our ancestors. During the winter months, our grandparents used to eat pickles. What is valuable in pickles? Lactic acid bacteria, yeast, enzymes, fermentation in general is very good for the stomach and intestines.


Yogurt is one of the most generous natural sources of probiotics that protect immunity. The acid bacteria in it care for the intestinal flora.

Herbal tea

Many times underestimated and we always think of it when we are already sick. If we take herbal tea daily, then we improve the building and strengthening of immunity.


Sleep deprivation brings down the body’s immune functions. Lack of sleep makes us anxious, sour and irritable. An early bedtime and good sleep provide us with healthy nerves and strong immunity. It is not idle to say ”sleep is health”.

The Sun

The sun is very important for human health and immunity. We are taking less and less advantage of the sun. We work from the office or from home. Modern people have reduced the time they spend outdoors. You don’t have to stand in the sun for hours. When there is sun, it is important to soak your body for at least 15-20 minutes. This is how we collect the sun’s energy and get that all important vitamin D. It is a good idea to spend at least 30 minutes outdoors every day.


High vibrations are the most valuable immunostimulant. Negative emotions lower the body’s vibration and immunity. Also negative emotions create an acidic environment in our body. An acidic environment is an ideal breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. Positive feelings alkalize the environment in the body. An alkaline environment prevents viruses and bacteria from multiplying. Love and Gratitude are the highest purity vibrations. Viruses have a low-purity nature. So they are incompatible. Do not underestimate the environment you create in your body from your feelings and emotions.

How to boost your immune system the natural way?

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