aries compatibility

Aries compatibility | Who is Aries not compatible with?

Aries compatibility

Ares is widely known for being the first sign of the zodiac, and it’s a fire sign, ruled by Mars. People born under the Aries sign are usually very brave, bold, and willing to take risks. They are also rather individualistic but still focus on the wellbeing of others. The question is, what’s the Aries compatibility and what signs are suitable for it? Also, what signs do you want to avoid if you’re an Aries? Let’s find out!

What makes a sign good for Aries, and what makes it bad?

When you try to find who is Aries compatible with, you need to look at things like passion, an attention to detail, adventurousness, intellectualism and being open. But what makes a person incompatible for Aries? Generally, sensitive, inactive and people obsessed with structure can be too much for any Aries.

Signs that are great for Aries

Generally, Aries has a very good compatibility with Gemini. They have a lot of focus on friendship, communication and love, which makes them ideal for any Aries out there. The same thing can be said about Leo. While people under the sign of Leo don’t have an excellent communication in general, they are still a very good choice for any Aries.

A similar situation is encountered in the case of Sagittarius. They are highly compatible with Aries, the only problem stems from communication. But that can be improved, so they are definitely a good pick when it comes to compatibility alone. Then there’s also Libra. Even if Aries is a fire sign and Libra is an air sign, opposites attract. Libra assists Aries with social relationships, and it’s also a sign that deflates tension.

Signs incompatible with Aries

Aries and Taurus are some of the least compatible signs. They are people that will not give up and they refuse to compromise, which make it very hard to maintain a relationship. The same can be said about Aries being compatible with Aries itself. They are both headstrong and maintain their perspectives, without balancing things out. A similar thing happens in the case of Cancer, which is very ambitious and focused on winning. Aries is the same, which can end up making this a huge issue.


It’s very important to understand Aries compatibility as you try to find your true love. The reality is that some zodiac signs are incompatible with Aries, and those types of relationships can lead to real problems. That’s why it’s important to know what signs Aries is compatible with, as it will make it easier to establish a stable, great relationship in the long term!

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